Transvulcania Terrex 2024 – Ultramarathon La Palma


Osanz and Iturbe, winners of the Half Marathon of the Transvulcania Adidas Terrex

The shortest race of the event, which reclaimed its original route, was a spectacle for the fans

Daniel Osanz and Onditz Iturbe had the honor of inaugurating the gallery of champions of the final day of the Transvulcania Adidas Terrex. The runner from Aragón and the runner from País Vasco won the Half Marathon of the competition of the Beautiful Island in a distance that always offers a spectacle for the fans.

The race reclaimed its original route starting from the Faro de Fuencaliente to venture into volcanic terrain in an extremely tough ascent of almost 20 kilometers to then descend, already with the protection of the pine forest, towards the finish line installed at the Refugio de El Pilar.

There was a lot of anticipation to see how the start of the race unfolded and the strategies of the runners, especially after Ryunosuke Omi’s victory in the Vertical Ascent on Thursday.

The favorites showcased their level from the start in an explosive race that leaves no time to look back. Finally, crossing the finish line first was Daniel Osanz (2h.12:35), second was Fabián Venero (2h.13:32), and third finished Álvaro Escuela, from La Gomera (2h.18:36).

Among the women, the script was similar but the one who took the victory at the Refugio de El Pilar was Onditz Iturbe (2h.38:56) ahead of Camilla Magliano (2h.43:52), while the third place was taken by Moana Lilly Kehres, from La Palma (3h.48:50).